Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 4 - Mobile Evironments for Learning

Flip video cameras

Flip video cameras are mobile devices no bigger than a smartphone that have multiple uses to enhance learning in the classroom.

According to Patrick Black's blog, Flip cameras are cheap and easy to use in the classroom. Tom Barrett created a short slide show titled, "45 interesting ways to use your pocket video camera in the classroom"  that is a compilation of ideas from numerous educators from around the global. Suggestions include 1) recording and posting science experiments on a classroom blog, 2) filming a demonstration of a step-by-step procedure for student review, 3) recording students performing a procedure for self-evaluation, and 4) recording class activity or field trip events to share with parents. Rowell (2009) shares how biomedical engineering students at Duke University used Flip cameras to support their projects for a capstone course and how Bill Wolff used Flip technology in an upper-level writing and research class. Phillips (2012), in "Lights, Camera, Learn," offers five tips for using video in elearning classrooms. Flip cameras are mobile devices that offer a multitude of learning possibilities in the classroom.

Phillips, V. (2012). Lights, Camera. Learn!: Five tips for using video in eLearning. eLearn Magazine. Retrieved from
Rowell, L. (2009). How tiny camcorders are changing education. eLearn Magazine. Retrieved from

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a software program that allows students, or audience members, to answer questions using a variety of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets like ipads, or any device that can access the web, Used as an assessment tool, educators can imbed questions within a presentation, for example a PowerPoint presentation, and students answer using their mobile devices. Responses immediately show on the screen, similar to clickers. Some authors refer to the technology as live audience polling. Maybe you have even used this technology to respond to an Awards Show or something like American Idol. Twitter can also be used to post audience comments. Poll Everywhere is one method to actively engage students in class by asking questions to assess their learning. No hardware is required or program installation is required since the technology is accessed through the web. This link will take you to a two minute video that demonstrate Poll Everywhere:
 One drawback is cost. There is a fee for classes or audience size larger than 40. Audience size less than 40 participants are free. So, if you have a larger class, pose a question, have students "Think- Pair-Share," come up with an answer and then one student can texted in the answer. Businesses and educational institutions can purchase a plan based on the number of participants.


  1. Linda, I think the flip camera is a wonderful way to record small tutorials for demonstration that the students can watch multiple times if needed to enhance learning. This is definitely something I could use in the lab when explaining certain procedures and then the students could go back and watch again if they do not remember what I showed them previously. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Tabby Riley

  2. Linda, the flip camera is a great idea. In health information it can be used to demonstrate the types of forms found in a medical record. I also loke the idea of it being used for students who miss class. It is a tool for archiving lessons. Thank you for the information.

  3. Tabby and Dot, The Flip camera seems like an easy and convenient method for recording class activities. I can envision younger students getting a kick out of recording science experiments or the process of solving a math problem. Students are engage in technology and learning at the same time.
